Spray on chrome? West coast customs

As timing would have it, the guy from Future Chrome called this afternoon. After giving my usual answer about whether I was ready to try it or not, I told him about this thread. I invited him to join FABO and devote some time to sharing what he knows, as well as some photos to illustrate the process for all of us. He seemed to be writing things down so we'll see, but he did mention the company has "lots of videos," a FaceBook page and some stuff on YouTube in the meantime.

I asked if he dealt with and sold to the general public; the answer was No. Like all metal finishing, great prep is apparently crucial to success and 'shouldn't be trusted to laymen.' As a result, they will sell their kits to professional shops but not to Joe Off The Street. The Basic Intro Package starts at $1,700 he said, with enough chemicals to do several bumpers and rims.