Fun car show on YouTube - Ratty muscle cars featuring Mopars

after owning 11 mopars you never noticed the all had the engine bay painted body color?

i dont mind what you do brother, its your ride, but it sure seems inconsistent to claim you are going to "address the appearance of this thing somewhat" and then rattle can the engine bay black

no need to explain yourself to me, but if your were dead set on painting the engine bay would it have been that much more work to rattle can it the correct color?
Yea, it actually would have been. Cost $5 out of a can the alternative would have involved alot more time mone and a working compressor which I didn't have time for. That was all happening as the Power Tour was rolling into town and we still had the motor out. I know alllll about Mopar engine bays but in my personal opinion the AAR should have been black seeing as how everything around them is.... black.