Car dies in gear...

I'm so sick of carbs... So I burned a few plug wires and had some issues, back fire and bad stumble. I replaced the wires and went to my 950 carb just to get the car home. Ran ok but not great after everyone telling me 950 was way to much carb for the 318 I rebuilt the 750 that's been on the car for 10 years and the dam thing still won't work.

T port is square, idle mix screws 1 1/4 out, floats are adjusted to the hole. No vacuum leaks.
I can idle fine in nutral but as soon as I try drive or reverse it just dies.
I have my AFR and vaccum hooked up and working.

Any ideas I'm at my whits end with this. Its hot and my car won't run=me not happy.

Thanks for any ideas or advice.