Check list

now, you may want to consider bolting your stock carb onto that new intake to break in the cam, and then switch out to the new one after the break in
(just cheap insurance the engine will fire at first crank)
This is excellent advice. If you are having to dork around with a new carb just to get it to run at first, it will screw up the cam break in procedure and the cam be end up ruined. Guys screw themsevles up regularly by making too many changes at once.

One way to do this and reduce the extra re-work is to buy a 2 bbl to 4 bbl adapter an use that to put the present 2 BBL carb on the new intake. Then all you have to do is to swap the carbs after a good break-in period for the cam. The sell the adapter is you are short on $. They don't cost a ton.