FiTech EFI system

just had a quick few questions I can't seem to find searching..

On timing and the SPARK MAP

1. During cranking, is the engine starting on base timing then advances to idle advance once idle RPM is met? Or is it starting on idle advance?
Scenario: I would like to run 18*btdc at idle, but I want to only crank/start at 14*btdc to help hot starts. Can this be achieved with base timing(14*btdc) idle advance(18*btdc), or would it be better to set the idle advance at 14*btdc and have (1100 45kPa) set to 18*btdc

2. Are you inputting the target degrees you want to advance to, or the number of degrees you want to advance to?
Example: Idle timing is set at 18*btdc, I want (WOT 3000 95kPa) to be 34*btdc. On the handheld do I input 34* to indicate the target degrees, or 16* to direct how many degrees to advance. basically who does the math, me or the handheld
Thanks in advance (pun intended)