Why so critical of "universal" flex radiator hoses?

I still remember my first Ev-buzz. I was almost 19 and a tee-totaller, and while working on a buddys car, with some friends, someone brought me my favorite drink, a lime cool-aid. I think before I got to the bottom of that 10ozer, I was suspecting something was up, but it was a hot day and his underhood was even hotter. Soon, I had another,and soon I was bombed. I hate those guys...lol. They started me on a 21 year learning curve of trying to control the freaking buzz. IIRC there was a lot of puking involved in the beginning, and a couple of lost days.Lost in that, I have no idea what I mightof done during them.I quit that chit in 94.
So what's this got to do with universal rad hoses?
Oh...... nothing.
But this thread has degenerated to.......IDK, so we might as well have some fun reminiscing while we're here.:)