Why so critical of "universal" flex radiator hoses?

See, isn't this fun....

Yup. Much better than throwing up and blacking out. Though I can count on one hand the numbers of time I threw up.

Here is a bit of trivia for ya.

The first time I was drunk was in CANADA! 1980. Went up their with our H.S. music class. We went to Langely. I think that's how it's spelled. We were there for almost a week. On Saturday night the Canadians threw one hell of a party. There was probably 200 people there. I got drunk, blacked out, ended up with the wrong girl. They had some posts set up in the back yard and if you got sick they just drug you out there and draped you over it and let you puke.

People ended up not going back to the homes they were staying in. The guy rooming with me never made it back. He was suspended when we got back to school.

One hell of a trip. Wild assed Canadians.