zero compression yes Zero lol !

I am bringing my very limited jet set and just maybe you'll wake up to find me in you driveway if I do make the trip this summer LOL !
I live on an Island and most everything is a chore to find in our parts stores .I'll see what DusterGlen can source for me if he ever stops slacking and goes back to work next week .
I run synthetic because that is what the engine builder told me to run and it's got me 25k miles so far with only a bad set of rockers and a bad choice of drivers so far eh lol ! The fella that proved his kickdown setup will function at 95mph was probably a bad choice eh , it worked fine but upshifting at 100+ mph equals a bit many rpm for second gear .
For the record I'm not crazy about the price or thinness of synthetics but it does work even if it can be hard to keep from seeping .