Need a new Torque Converter... Suggestions?

I run a PTC in my scamp. $475 custom built to my exact setup. 3000 stall. 9.5 inch billet front unit. It's wound great, no crazy slippage even with the much higher stall. With light throttle it barely runs 100rpm higher, even less. At higher throttle positions you can tell it's slipping a little more, but still barely anything, then you mat it and it flashes and you better hold on. It was an interesting change going from my off the shelf b&m 2400 to the new unit. But once I got used to it I loved it. Flashes hard and absolutely roasts the tires.

So I second PTC. Their price was the best out of everyone I talked to. But as others mentioned, ultimate, dynamic, there's also TCS up here in canada on the west coast. They make good stuff too. Best thing to do is just send your spec sheet in to all of them and see what you get back.