Stop in for a cup of coffee

Ron you suck at photoshop!
Wisht I had photoshop; the Apple equivalent is by no means equivalent. But Carl asked me how I made the Flintstone Monte mashup and I was just hackin' around showin' him how to cut and paste and I opened up my photos and said "Look - Say I wanted to make a picture of Ray on Sharon's Eliminator..." and then I hacked it together quick and one thing led to another and Sharon said "Now make his beard Blue" and that led to more and once it was that far done we decided to share it just for s4i+s and grins.

Yesterday we learned ya' can't run a bead of weld on 20 ga sheet metal with a MIG. Nobody can. Even Batman couldn't. Even McGuyver couldn't. It gets too hot and ya' blow holes in it. Ya' gotta do a lot o' little spot welds, then come back and spot weld between those, etc etc and once't ya' let it cool ya' can fill the holes a little at a time. So now we're movin' right along. 'Cept now we gotta go to Gratz wid'jer wife.

Ya' gotta admit this one was OK - Screen Shot 2017-02-18 at 10.20.06 PM copy.png