73 and up disc brake line hoses

Guys this kind of thing is why we need to "go back" to REAL PARTS STORES. In a previous life I WORKED at two of them. We had Wagner and Raybestos cataloges that were in binders nearly a foot thick. In them, amoungst part numbers for individual master cylinder parts, cups, and other hardware "illustrated guides" were pictorial guides showing BRAKE HOSES by type, end fitting and LENGTH

I can still vaguely remember than in the 70's some of the Dodge pickups came with TOO SHORT factory hoses. All you had to do!!!! to damage a front hose!!!! Was to put the pickup on a hoist and allow the suspension to drop........just as it would going over a "hump" in the road!!!! The hoses on those pickups would bend back and tear at the fitting from strain.