Have collector car prices dropped significantly in the last couple of years???

I've been out of the game for a couple years because of work and life... before I used to be into my k10 and dart and working on them every weekend, watching barrett jackson etc and always looking at cars online etc... I had a pretty good idea on what stuff was worth and selling for but the last 2 years I don't think I looked at ebay once to check out a car... maybe a part but thats it...

2 years ago I parked my Dart outside a local car show and there was a note asking if i'd be interested in selling... I thought about it and called the guy just for giggles... long story short he was a good guy and after meeting him at a cruise he offered me 8k.. it was slightly more than i paid for it 2 years prior but of course quite a bit less than I had in it. I declined and have lost the guys number.

Fast forward to today and I post it for 8500 locally. I get a dozen responses, no one wants to look it except one guy and I get half a dozen offers for 5k... wtf? is the market really that bad right now? I've heard the Harley market is a bloodbath from some friends that sold their bikes but I assumed the Mopar was a little more solid... even for the lonely dart... CT is an economic nightmare, is it a regional thing or are you seeing this around the country?

Letgo is a joke, I've experienced that on some household stuff I've been trying to sell... they just offer half no matter how much of a low ball it is..