zero compression yes Zero lol !

You won't catch me speeding after I heard a local guy here in MB say it cost him over $360 for "a little over". No; but you might catch me spinning tires unnecessarily, or cornering too aggressively, or sliding, which they call loss of vehicular control. I'd like to say hop in officer,let's see how out of control I can get this thing, and then maybe you'll reconsider that ticket.
But I draw the line at speeding.They just want to take our licenses away for what seems like any/every little thing now,lol.

But 12liters/100km ain't too bad, the way you were pushing it. My math says that's 23.5 mpg Canadian;18.8mpgUS. Hyup that's better than pretty good. A stock teener would have a hard time matching that at just legal speeds,lol.