Any Road Trips Planned or Completed

Ok, here's one.

The Wife and I take off in my Dart at 6:30 am headed to CA from here. (AZ)
Where we were going was an 11 hour drive with stops for food, fuel and restrooms and we finally pull in over at the coast about 6pm.
My Dart did 90% of all the shopping trips, picking up and delivering home of most all the Wife's relatives that wanted to get together while we were there for a week.
I took a day of to drive down to Arroyo Grande/Pismo Beach area to visit Tim (Abodybomber) for the day.
We went for some lunch and then spent a lot of the rest of the day BSing and driving around checking out a few cars he knew of in the area.
Nice little project Dart in his garage as well, and it was waiting on a windshield and a few other details to get it on the road.

At the end of our stay in CA we decided to take the long way home and hit a bunch of beaches and scenic drives through wine country.
I think we hit about 7 beaches that day.
We jumped off the hiway into the far northern end of Santa Barbara CA, and drove along the cliffs by the ocean on a little windy road through some of the higher end neighborhoods until we finally ended up at the main beach in Santa Barbara where everyone usually goes.

We stopped at the pier and had a lobster lunch and jumped back out on the hiway headed South again.
Into the LA basin through all the traffic, and something I thought was interesting but somewhat annoying, was that there were two lanes on the far left that were marked for paid use only. WHAT?:D
Yup, you pay a fee to the city, county or whatever so you can use those two lanes and not have to sit in traffic like everyone else.
When you pay the fee they give you an electronic box for your car that they can scan as you drive by, and if you drive by one of the scanners and it doesn't see the signal from the device it takes your picture and you get a nice fat ticket in the mail.
What a scam.

Anyway, we continue on down to I10 and head towards Arizona as it's getting dark and spent the rest of the 8 hour drive back up north of Phoenix where we live in the dark out in the middle of nowhere and stuff that's not worth seeing anyway. (ever driven I10 between LA and Phoenix?:D)
17 hours start to finish one way to get back home.
It was an absolute blast, and the car was flawless the entire trip.
We have made that trip four times so far in it, and not one problem, save to tighten a radiator hose clamp because it dripped a nickel size puddle of coolant when we stopped for lunch.

Sounds like a cool trip