318 poly wide block

Let them escorts you out...evictions take like 90 days in CA. I'm sorry to hear your plight but sounds like you got a plan. You can preasure wash it yourself, its just harder becasue its not over a pit or on a rack. Spray the clinging formula Gunk onto the trans and then drive it to the wash, the heat will assist in softening up the grime. A bad clutch isn't the worst thing that could happen to that old bus. The time to do maintenence is before it breaks. Sounds cliche but it's like a job, best time to look is when your employed that way you won't have to jump into the first job that bites, cause it may bite too, and suck. A worn clutch can be limped by not even using it to change gears: to upshift, you get off the gas and lean the shifter toward the next higher gear and allow it to drop in on its own schedule. It's easy on a small car and a motorcycle. A bus may be a little challenging but it's still just a 4sp. Not a split range 18 speed. Downshifting is a little harder as you have to pull it out of gear, then Rev the motor to sync the gears for the downshift rpm. Hardest thing to do will be to navigate first at a light. I broke a clutch cable in a subaru , no clutch at all, and had to turn the motor off at a light. When light turned green, i just jammed it in first and hit the starter until it chugged forward and finally started up. Speed shifting is probably how the guy tooled it around with a crippled clutch.