Lokar kick down cable mod to raise shift points!

IMG_1778.JPG Get rid of that spring for starters ! now set your cable adjuster mid point than get some one to hold throttle flat by pushing on the peddle but before doing that lossen that kd cable grub screw , now what you what is to take up the slack . while your friend has the peddle to the floor pull on that kick down cable not all the way just to take up the slack than its just trial and error ! test drive it if it holds to long between shifts back it off if it shifts too early give the cable more tension , just make sure under idle kick down is not pulling throttle open . With fine adjustments use the adjuster which goes through bracket, once you have gotten to where you like it trim cable but leave a little of over hang. What I do is put some heat shrink on it up to grub screw than trim it so it looks neat and stops the cable from fraying {coming apart}