Best surprise, for a rock concert.....

Back in the '80's ..........


There was a small string of rock halls. Called Lamours. The heavy metal/hardcore/punk hall was in Brooklyn New York. The rock hall was in Queens New York. For a short time, they opened up Lamour Far East some 50-ish miles out on Long Island.

To make a smash debut, opening night had Queensryche and the stage was a mere 3 feet in height. A very personal and up close show experience with Geoff looking and talking to you!

I was pounding the stage with my hammer fist and mistakenly hit Geoff left foot. "OOOWW! Man that hurt!"
Again, sorry Geoff.

He was totally cool with it.

Other Ace surprises were Metallica, Wasp at Lamours Brooklyn.

Murphy's Law at the Ritz was SICK!

The most violent *** kickin metal show was Pantera at the Nassau Colosseum.

I met Ozzy (scary weird and scary)
Gezzer Butler & his wife and friend. Whoa! Way cool Dude.
Zac his guitarist and drummer (sorry, I forget his name)
They were real easy going down to earth fellas.

Those were the best and most memorable shows.
Best Meet and greets were Gezzer, Zac & Geoff Tate.

Most awesome time meeting a rock star?
Eric Carr (God rest his sole) of KISS

My friend dared me to get his autograph because he was chicken ****. So I just walked up to him, confirmed who he was and asked if I can have his autograph for "My chicken ****" friend. I got the graph, said thanks, started &
To walk away.

He said "Hey!" I turned around saying "I figured you would want to get backnt the chicks! (Only a dozen of them.. LOL)

He waved his hand in the air blowing off the notion and invited me over and we drank together for about an hour. Got tanked some more. Talking to him was as easy as a red hot butter knife falling through room temp soft butter.

That fella my FABO clan was one genuine awesome man!