The Mopar of Theseus.

or as the question in this car hobby, what is a survivor???? yes they are neat if you have ever owned one or seen one.

BUT, is it a s urvivor if it still has all its original sheetment and paint? what if it has all original sheetmetal and 20 % of it is rusted to hell? what if someone pulled a dent out of a fender and repainted it??
a surivior no doubt still has its original engine, trans, rearend, b t no doubt someone drove it and replaced tires, belts, hoses, unless it has so very few miles and time on the road??
maybe we tend to place our old care on too a high a pedestal? because of pride, ego, $$ in our eyes?

I still says survivors, to what ever degree are cool, cool are cars that have had all their rust cut out and repaired. cool are the cars that lost their original power plants decades ago, cool are the slant cars that someone pulled that and dropped in a hemi, or a B motor, or a SB, cool are the cars we repair and DRIV for after all , cool are the ars that someone repainted a color other than what the fender tag says.. all they really are is a CAR!? ha

NOT COOL is the guy that swaps the vin tag and cuts out the numbers stamped on that body in those various places.... unless he keeps the sucker and is buried in it!??????????? ha