Proper method for determining bearing clearances?

Roger and thanks.

One still has to account for the increase in fastener tension when using any lubricant versus dry threads. The ARP fastener strength is well beyond that of normal rod bolts, and so can withstand the extra tension put on them. They and the lube are designed as a package to get to a certain tension. Using an ARP lube with fasteners designed to be torqued with dry or plain oiled threads will lead to over-tensioning the fasteners.

You and KK and others might find the following graph from ARP interesting; I sure do. It shows that the actual fastener tension goes up after several cycles of tensioning (presumably with the same nut and bolt and turning on the same surfaces). This could be one reason to say that going to the same torque repeatedly would over-tension a fastener. It does not show what happens with dry threads however, just with various lubes on the threads.