New shop maybe?

i got 2 carolina carports sheds butted together to make 20x40 and i went with 10 foot walls,..wished id went with 12 or 14 now! get your concrete done first!! mine cost 1200 for one side and 1400 for the side with roll up door and walk in door so for 2600 i got 40x20x10 but i didnt get the walls covered its a open air deal cooled in winter and heated in summer! had a couple feet of snow on it and no signs of caving in!

The snowstorm which got mine was extremely wet. In fact a friend of mine had her carport collapse that day also and totaled her new Honda...... There were several in my area overall that it happened to. Mother nature ain't no joke......

One day when the time is right you can cover your walls. CC will even have a crew do it for you but I have no idea on the cost. The one I had collapse I dismantled from a Clist deal and reassembled. It didn't just snap back together lol but all the metal combined is what makes them so strong....