
I'll have to agree......in my case it was my wife's voice. We were eating breakfast at a local eatery and I was telling her that I need to buy at least one (but probably 2 or 3) 5 gal gas cans to empty the Barracuda tank to replace the sender (it has a full tank). I told her that I had a spare electric pump so it shouldn't take too long to drain the tank but I need to store the gas somewhere. She says, "Why would waste money by buying 1 or 2 gas cans when you won't use them later??" I said, "Well, I don't want to dump the gas on the ground??" She says, "Just remove the gas and pour it into one or more of our other 4 cars that we drive!!!"

Needless to say I felt like an idiot, then to save what little respect I still had left I said, "Yea, I guess you're right, I only need one gas can to have enough left over so that I can start the car when I'm done and get it to the gas station!!":realcrazy::wtf::BangHead:

Like Jack said, "Do they ever come up with some great ideas!!"
