Any Road Trips Planned or Completed

Well we just got home from visiting my parents up in Idaho for the 4th, and well it was the most memorable due to my dad was out boating with my older bro and some other family, fell in the boat and gashed his head, he got 5 staples, this was monday, on tuesday the 4th, i was playing with two of my brothers, my neices and one has a bf, and one bros gf, a game of full contact water basketball, went to hit a ball from scoring and dislocated my shoulder, got out of the pool, was streching it a but and dislocated it again, since then my right arm has been in a sling, took x rays, those looked good, but they wanted me to follow up with my doctor here in California for a mri to see if any ligaments were tore, i have some movement but not all the way. But atleast we had fun on monday with 4 of us out on a 3 person tub getting tossed by our boat, so cant complain it was great fun.