Beyond Frustrated - Wont start/stay running

Thank you for all the responses.

So I did some of the tests mentioned above. I checked the resistance of the plug wires and the coil wire with the Ohm meter set to 200K:

1 - 10.2
2 - 9.2
3 - 6.8
4 - 7.2
5 - 8.7
6 - 12.6
coil wire - 10.9
- the differences make sense due to the different lengths.

I also disconnected the wire from the negative terminal of the coil that goes to the distributor and set the meter to 20K. I got a reading of 2.4 ohms no mater which way I twisted the wire.

Yes I know points are obsolete. This whole situation has me definitely thinking of switching to some electronic ignition. there is a lot of good information on this site, I just havent had the chance to check it out and research to make up my mind.

I believe it was my post 26 that I posted pictures of the cap and rotor? well from those pictures I ended up getting a new cap and rotor and installed them. Cranked the engine over and it fired. then stalled. So i cranked it again and held the throttle down. Here you could hear the engine's rpm increase linearly like it normally would then there would be a sharp drop in rpm before it would increase again. It was a cyclic pattern and after a little bit the engine died. Took a lot more cranking to get it started again but it did, did the same pattern and died.

at this I was at a loss and called my old man. So after some discussion and getting the engine to do that pattern again, it was deemed it was still ignition. Since every part of the ignition was verified ok but the distributor, we decided to pull that. Well with the distributor being out for the 4th-5th time I actually inspected the damn thing and this is when I noticed the plastic distributor gear was missing 2 teeth!! now this gear has only been in the car since 2013 and had about 12,000-15,000 miles on it. However I have no idea how long that thing was sitting on a shelf somewhere nor the conditions of said shelf. So I will from this point forward pull the distributor everytime I change plugs and change out that damn gear.

I didnt have the correct spring pin to secure a new gear in, but I got that today. I also noticed that the negative post on the coil was stripped, so I am going to exchange that tomorrow (lifetime warranty). So Fingers crossed I should have positive news tomorrow.