I have 12 nephews/nieces. I know that five of them are married, and one of these is already divorced and remarried. Of the other seven; two are still single, and 4 are shacked up, and one of them I haven't seen since she was a baby, and status is unknown. I myself have three kids; two married and one shacked up.
So my deceased father has 15 grandchildren.
I have been to one marriage, and it wasn't even to my own kid's!.
I won't be going to any of the other ten, unless my son invites me. Both of my girls were shacked up for many many years. One finally flew to Vegas to get married; and yeah she invited me, but I said no way am I going to that hell-hole. The other finally snuck away to a JP.
My shacked up son has a bastard son, and another kid on the way.What a world.Don't be thinking I love that little fella any less than my other two grandbabies; bastard just means fruit of fornication. After all who married Eve to Adam?
So, if you're wrong, what am I.
Just go.