Hasn't been a good year at all. Whats next?

I went under the knife in Wednesday to remove a lump in my throat . Test came back today it's Cancer. Life has dealt me some very hard times and struggles that I have always overcome. Can't get any worse, Or can it?

losing my voice now really sucks. Bought a FXDL low rider. Riding takes my mind off of things. Next week I am going to buy a Road king to take the long ride and see the country. Just something I always wanted to do.

I probably won't be getting as much done here between treatments. Neck is really sore now the meds are wearing off and really hard to swallow. so its liquids only.

My daughter is a registered nurse and is going to start me on some natural cures she is aware of. I don't know if it will help but it keeps hope alive in every ones eyes.

Not much else to say except I'll fight this all I can. New technology maybe on my side. Or is it just a dream we are dealt in the game of life. Thanks for listening Steve

If you are scheduled for chemotherapy I strongly recommend weed over Zofran, or any of the other anti-nausea drugs they give you.