That didn't go well......

I know exactly how you feel, 2 spinal surgeries within a year. The latest was a fusion and cage. Now I have numbness, foot drop, severe pains. Good luck to you
Seriously doubt that surgery is in my future. Ever since I had 4 surgeries in 2012 I have been experiencing chest pains and shortness of breath. Several stress tests, echoes and ultrasounds nothing has turned up. My primary care doc and I have talked about this several times....he is dead set against me pursuing any type of surgery. He is more than a bit concerned about the risks..
I feel for yeah. It sucks to have your spin messed up. Hope you get some pain relief. Have the same issues. So wish you the best.
Sorry that you are going thru this crap as well..found out some other crap today that is a potential nightmare coming down the chute...
2 s5 lower back surgeries. Cannot will not go in tube ever again. Theres is an actual open mri where you sit down tight on bothsides and can see out front, only possibility for me. Years ago not closterphobic one bit. now turned 50 extremely closterphobic. only way to go for me unless
sedated like a mule........
Nurse called today about the sedation but I was in the rheumatologist office and didn't answer. I am bipolar, don't do well with various different meds. When I freaked out the other day the tech told me that they will use either Xanax or Valium. Me and Valium don't see eye to eye, have some very wild hallucinations while on it previously. Xanax...took it to keep me from "going postal" the last several years of my time with the USPS. Started out at .5mg a dose twice a day. By the time I stopped taking it was taking 2.5mg twice a day...with very little effect.
They do have an open machine. Unsure of what it looks like.