Eddy vs Holley CFM ratings?

The story I heard was that the Holley's were rated for "wet" flow, meaning, fuel air mixture. Carters, and then Edelbrocks, are rated for "dry" flow, meaning, just air. Which means that the wet flow cfm rating is lower than the advertised cfm for the carter/eddy carbs. So an equivalent carter/eddy would have a higher advertised cfm rating than a Holley would to have the same wet flow.

Somewhere I had this all looked up and sorted out, there's a conversion factor you can use to estimate the wet flow cfm so you can better compare carburetors. If I remember right wet flow is between 8 to 16% less than dry flow depending on conditions. Problem is just like any flow bench the cfm also depends on what the vacuum number is on the bench for the test, and different manufacturers have been known to use different vacuum settings. I think that was the deal with the 2 barrel carbs too, they were wet flow rates but at a different vacuum than the 4 barrels so the numbers weren't straight across comparable.