Brodix B1BA heads...

Your welcome. I hoped that helped.
I myself do not see the B1BA as ancost effective choice but the B1BA-MC as a possible contender. The Edelbrocks Victor head is in the same ball park. Final cost is the variant and a unknown to me on both heads. The Brodix requires a little extra work in drilling and tapping for exhaust. Not really a big deal but just one more thing to be done.
(1 more hassle?)
I have the B1BA bare castings already. If memory serves me the exhaust is drilled but there is no holes in the ends of the castings so mounting an alternator will need to be addressed. Thanks again...
Doug, @Bighead440 can probably tell you something about them if he is on.
Hopefully he chimes in, thanks for tagging him Rob.
I remember this post I like and agree with. Simple, effective, nothing fancy.

Realistic Expectations - 11 second Demon weekly driver
Will take a look at it...Once again Thank You Sir...