Early A body Slant/6 to 70's 360 swap

A factory 360 as it is, will be fine with a SBM A904. But you will need to take care of the Throttle pressure/KD system, all the way to whatever carb you wish to run.I used a 273 tranny behind my 340. And I used the stock slanty driveshaft.
>I think Trebleg can help you with CI manifolds, which is all that stock 360 will need.
>Don't forget that the 360 timing marks may not be compatible with that early rad and P/S pump location. You may have to re-engineer the TDC indicator. Not a big deal.
>And of course, you will need to be nice to the 7.25 out back,especially if it does not have a SureGrip in it. It won't take peg-legging for long.
>Try not to take the easy way out with the exhaust pipes.If you terminate them under the car, the droning will be unbearable. They really need to go out to the rear bumper or a bit past; but not so far that people walking by will cut their shins on them,lol.An alternative is to run them out in front of the rear tires, but again terminating outside the body. I ran the pipes under the rear axle and out to 2 or 3 inches past the rear bumper and never had a problem; I was 22,lol.
>I did that swap with a 340 and used fenderwell headers. That was pretty slick, but it really limits your front wheel/tire choices, or just don't try turning sharp,lol. There was a lot of going around the block.But if you forget it's not a big deal; the tires just shine up the headerpipes,lol.
>I highly recommend bigger T-bars; my combo was a real barge.And HD springs.And HD shocks. I'm sorry I can't supply PNs for early A stuff.
>As a precaution, after it is up and running, you might to a fuel-supply test to make sure the factory line is still up to feeding the engine after all these years; I mean those lines plug up with rust,on the inside. Looking on the outside you'd never suspect it.
>I highly recommend to convert the charging system to a modern isolated field, and the ignition to electronic. You don't need anything fancy, just get rid of the points.
> the slanty rad is pretty small, but if it keeps her cool at idle with a direct-drive fan, then you are probably good to go.
Thanks for the advice, I'll keep it in mind with all the other stuff