360 motors

well found out that mopar screwed the oil passage way from rear to front they could not drill the main bearings all the way from rear to front , so they stopped just before #2 main cap and started drilling from front to rear and it is missed aligned so on 360s you have to finish drilling it out the step to get all the oil you need
This is not a 360 thing..... We found it in a '71 340 block just like that. And it is standard to drill from back to front halfway in several steps of drill sizes on each side, then drill front to back with several steps of drill sizes. One big long drill through from one end to the other would be breaking all the time.

But even then, the rough cast oil gallery passage should flow all the oil you need to the mains and rods, unless it was REALLY blocked up with casting flash. The finish drilling inside makes sure the openings in the sides of that oil gallery are full size for the lifter oiling. So, unless you had a big gob of casting flash inside the passage, I am not 100% convinced you have found your problem.