Won't start

Success! Got it running, dialed in the timing at around 10 degrees advance with a timing light (vacuum pod and carb plugged). Part of the problem I was having was that the rotor was damaged enough to retard the timing. Timing on the tooth I put the dizzy was about 25 degrees max advance, and that's about 10-11 degrees more than I was able to advance it previously (that's without vacuum advance), so this was a long term issue. I think I've just been overcoming the bad rotor with twisting the dizzy to advance timing. I thought it looked funny, but it didn't click for me that it was bent - for some reason I thought that's the way it came from the factory until I bought a replacement today on the off chance it was part of the problem. Dumb rookie. You learn more from your mistakes, I guess, than successes.

While I had the vacuum line off for timing, I figured I might as well test the vacuum from the (stock) carb - it was only reading 6 Hg at idle, but very steady. Is that enough?

Thanks for all your advice and procedures. They helped immensely - now I've got the timing where it should be, and fixed a separate issue (the rotor) while I was at it.