Difference in fuel pumps?

You have to buy 4 or 5 mech pumps before you find one that works. Then if it lasts over a year, you got lucky. Even the Carter replacement pumps are garbage now. On my 3rd one this year, one of them was junk right out of the box. In the process of saying screw it and buying a "good" electric pump, if there is such a thing and a decent regulator. Just my preference

Yep, that was my experience earlier this year, I wasted so much time chasing my tail thinking I had other problems!
I wish I could bill autozone for the hours lost testing their two bad pumps for them!
One of the problems with being an "old timer" is that we remember when new out-of-the-box stuff could be trusted!
Now it has to be tested before bolting it on. That sux!