Stop in for a cup of coffee

yea - screw that yard sale noise - nothing about doing it is attractive at all.. usually 3 days worth of going through stuff and setting up, lucky to see 1/2 of what you put out go, and then you have to decide if you're hauling it back in, tossing it (which spends 1/2 of what you made at the sale) or leaving it out with a free sign..

my wife spent 2 weeks last spring doing a community wide, giant garage sale for kids stuff. made some 700 bucks and sold 90 percent of everything. rest is going in the next sale in september lol. But yeah, drove me nuts.

a lot of the stuff I have is mementos stuff ,trophies, plaques, banners etc from various awards i won. Dont really want to throw those out and they aint worth any dough. Really, I dont have a lot of stuff i want to keep. I do have some old army uniforms and such i thought about throwing on ebay and seeing what happens. army surplus stores around here dont give ya but about .50 cents a set.