Frustrating trip to NAPA yesterday

I must be lucky! I go to the locally owned parts house and they have it probably 95% of the time or if I need it then they will call around to the chains which are competitors and locate it or have it for me in the morning. When I was building the 67 GT "decoy" and replacing everything I decided to replace steering sector while everything was out of the way. I went in to see if they could order one for me. Wilbur asked if it was 6 or v8 which it came with 273 but I was running 225 at the time but was planning to build the sb so I said V8 but what is the difference. He said ratio and we have both in stock and same price so whichever one I wanted. It may cost me a little more than the chains but service is worth the difference to me and keep money local and everyone in there knows me and puts it on my account without having to ask