How toxic is your favorite pop/soda???

Here in Mexico there is a Mom and Pop shop about 50 steps from my front door. I have been buying 1 liter regular Coke in a returnable glass bottle every day for a couple of months now, which is 77 cents when I return the bottle.

What I like about my routine is the fridge at the store is really, really cold and I'm convinced the soda tastes better and becomes colder in a glass container (I still remember cold milk as a kid in the glass quart bottles). I feel a little guilty guzzling that thing down, but it's damn hot here and after three or four hours working on the rooftop during some concrete sealing, I'm dying of thirst. Water would be better, but then, where's the reward for all my efforts in the blazing sun if I don't treat myself to something a little devilish?
That Mexican coke is made with sugar at least. Here in the states everything is high fructose corn syrup. Look it up. I'd rather buy my kids a carton of smokes!