Got a crazy Starting Issue! ........I mean nutz!

Maybe I missed it but I'm not seeing specifics

WHAT ARE the specifics?

1...Does it crank or not? "Crank" means the starter operates normally, rotating the engine when you twist the key.

If not post back and let's start right there

2....If 1 (cranks) OK, when it is acting up does it try to fire (try to start, cough, fire and quit?) at all?

If not try to determine is it fuel or ignition.

A........Buy yourself a spark tester gap. When it acts up, STOP right there, insert the tester gap, and operate the starter and determine once and for all if it's got good spark

B.......Is it fuel? When it won't try and fire, get a light if necessary, look down the carb throat and operarate the throttle. See if the carb accelerator pump shoots any fuel

If you are not sure, pull a few plugs, determine if they are fuel wet, or dry.

Try tossing about a tablespoon of good fresh fuel down the carb throat and see if it at least fires.

"Other stuff." No idea what you've done, has it had a recent tune up? What condition are the cap, rotor, plug wires, and COIL WIRE?

What shape is the carb in?