Automotive Catch 22 - wtf

You need a plan. Not rough, not high level, not "maybes" or "mights". If it has to drive any distance to the track, that's a handicap for a race oriented car. You can't gear for an rpm at the stripe because you have to gear for the drive there. So the combo will be different. The companies are answering right you correctly. You need to figure out the plan and solidify it before you talk to them. I also think it's a little backwards to build an engine and then the car. Build the car, then the engine.
I agree. However, I'm not building the engine then the car. I realize that the combo going to have to work together to get the best results and that's what I'm trying to find out. People ask things like "How fast do you want to go?" I would like to run 5's in the quarter...but unless I'm running a TF dragster that's not a realistic goal. The question is more "How fast can I make it go and still be able to reasonably drive it the 10 miles to the track?" This car will not be a daily driver in any sense of the word but having to drive it to the track very much restricts what I can do to the combo. What I can do to the engine has a great deal to with what converter and gears I run. I can upgrade the cam, heads, etc...but how much? I don't care if it's doggy on the street as long as it runs well at the track. I could spray it with nitrous so much that it looks like an entomophobe spraying for cockroaches, but the engine wouldn't live very long, let alone any other parts not up to snuff.

All these things are up in the air. That is the research I'm conducting now. I've won't be purchasing any parts till I have a better idea on what I can do. My original post was not a question but a commentary about my research. I do appreciate everyone's' help.