Automotive Catch 22 - wtf

Dart_68, you come off as coy, elusive and vauge. A tiny bit smart assie within a reasonable level. All of which I can easily handle but it does frustrate me when I'm/we are trying to help. Your not giving answers to asked questions and THEN your last response just sets me back in the chair with me asking myself, why did I bother answering this guy.

Proceed to the racers section and view the top stickies for helpful information that was set up a while back on how members here run there times. There broken down into time zones. 12, 11, 10, 9 and quicker seconds in the 1/4 mile unless they state there running the 1/8th.

This should answer a lot of questions for you. As well as generate more questions. At least 10 miles is super close. So perhaps a set of 4.88's would be OK.

In the future, you will find that people are less willing to help unless you are actually forth coming and honest about matters and not coy or a smart ***. You'll find that many people assign a tone to the written text that was never intended. And then you will be largely ignored and thought as an asshole instead of the humorous manor you thought you written it in.