Teenagers suck sometimes

I'll assume cameras in the parking lot captured the whole event. I guess you did do the right thing, risking getting beaten and robbed, shot, whatever. Just a day in this life.
Hasn't been so long since I made a similar thread concerning our grandson and his disrespect/ "stooped hat" moment. That day passed. He's a good boy at heart.
I recalled some of the ignorant chit that I did as a teenager. And I often got called on it.
Why the "stoopid hat" goes on and off a teens head? Who knows? These "stoopid hat" moments are in no way a reflection on parents or how one was raised. That's a false/stereotype assumption. Just ask your memories.
I'll submit that in your given moment in time, had a handicapped person drove up needing to park there, you would witnessed the most courteous of teenagers, parking that power cart under a persons butt. I think we all would, regardless of the handicapped's condition.
So lets try to believe most folks still have good hearts even though it doesn't always show.