Teenagers suck sometimes

I'm taking exception to those remarks. While I might agree that there are people like that, both normal, and overweght, who might do that, I for one who is around 300 lbs has never even thought about trying to get a handicap placard. I'm not afraid to walk. So don't lump us all together. That would be like me complaining about all those Skinny fucks who rent the golf carts at the Nats that so many people complain about. I wanted so bad to say to those people look at this fat **** who's 300 lbs and 60 yrs old and I'm walking around here in this heat and humidity, what's your problem? And no, I wasn't thinking of getting a cart. So don't go lumping us all together. Rant over.
Thank you!
I am also staring 300lbs square in the chops.
Having said that, I can also state for a fact that it is far cheaper to unhealthy than it is to eat right.
When you can buy a .99 cent box of spaghetti, $2.00 for a jar of sauce and $1.25 for a loaf of garlic bread and feed a family of 6, you do it. Even when you go out, Wendy's will sell you a bacon cheeseburger, fries, chicken nuggets and a drink for $4.00 but a salad cost $7.00. There's a problem.
On to the placard issue.
I have one. I don't use it much, I got to be in a bad shape before I do.
I didn't get because I'm overweight either. I got it because I'm a service connected disabled veteran.
How I got that way is a conversation for the 18-year-old me that thought it would be a great idea to jump from airplanes and follow cannons.
When I saw these little A holes, I had been in the store and got the few things I needed and went back out. My legs were done.
I also have a pacemaker. Not because of my weight, but blunt force trauma. My heart was damaged when I was involved in an explosion. The trauma damaged the sinus node and now I need the pacemaker.
From outward appearances, one would wonder why I have a placard.
I seen it go badly for people who've challenged a friend of mine over his.
On a good day you'll get a "f"off, on a PTSD day you may get a 9mm in your face as he always carries.