How to center rear wheels in weel well

*I think* you were just reading a thread that suggested the best, easiest way was to use a spacer in between the front spring hanger and the spot on the body where the studs go through.

With the springs moved inwards, the bolt hole for the front of the spring may not be able to moved unless it is a substantial amount. Enough to create a full hole with some metal in between the old hole. Enough so it won't intrude or wear into the old hole. True, a good welder can fix anything.....

Before you center the wheel in the opening, take measurements to see if the wheels are even in distance from what ever point you choose to measure from. Like the center of the trans tailshaft or the T bar cross
Member, or ....

Totally agree. Make sure the axle is square to the chassis. Just because the clearance is off to the wheel tub doesn't mean its out of wack from the chassis. If it is you have a beef with whoever installed your relocated spring boxes, because as rumblefish said you don't have the option to shim the hanger with that set up.

Hope you didn't move your springs 3" inboard just to run stock tubs and 275/60/15's, you could have cleared those with the springs in the stock locations on a Duster.