say you want to buy an electric car?

The goofballs always call electric cars the answer for a problem that doesn't exist, nor did it ever exist.

First off, they are NOT fossil fuels. Crude is not rotting dinosaurs. First lie.

Second, remember peak oil? Another lie. There are now more known reserves of oil in the world than ever. Oil wells are starting to recover and produce oil again. Maybe some Dino's have died in the lately, but I haven't seen them.

As long as we continue to believe lies, this stupidity will continue. Global cooling, global warming, climate change, peak oil all that in my relatively short lifetime.

Ignorance begets ignorance.

Electric cars are WORTHLESS. Just like they were at the turn of the 20th century. Just like steam engines we not better than IC gas burning engines.

One last many know that gasoline is a by product of cracking and refining crude and was considered a waste product? They used to bleed it off into rivers to get rid of it.