Unprofessional, My thoughts. Rant

I'm sorry, but who cares?

His business, his truck, still mostly a free country. He likes it, he apparently paid for it, he's probably not breaking any laws- so he's free to do it.

Here's a guy that apparently makes a pretty darn good living, has a skill and a job where he probably works decently hard. And you're whining about his choice of music and wheels, and posting about it on a local website without ever having done business with the man. And then ranting about it on a completely unrelated forum? And he's unprofessional? You sound like a bunch of gossipy, overzealous housewives with too much time on their hands.

Don't like his truck, his music or his attitude? Awesome, don't hire him and move on. He's probably laughing to his friends about the old fuddy-duddy that texted him about "losing" a job he didn't want or need to begin with. You sure showed him!
I am capable of doing all that stuff myself, but I wouldn`t hire the idiot anyway! Anybody that stupid, can`t do a decent job.