say you want to buy an electric car?

My daily driver is a 2012 Ram pickup, which I use everyday to haul lumber, tools, cars, heavy equipment, etc!!...

My wife's daily driver is an 06 Subaru Forester, although she often drives our 2012 Ford E350 van, handicap accessible for use to haul Nella around to her many appointments!

The fuel I buy every week is the cost of doing business for my truck, and also to get Nella where she needs to go!

I would love to not have to maintain vehicles for a 10 year period, but that is just not realistic no matter what vehicle you drive!

When in vacation, we almost always take the van!

Now, tell me how an electric car fits into my needs??? Are they going to make a full sized van capable of towing a 30' camper, or a truck capable of hauling a couple 1000# worth of materials and equipment? I doubt it! I live in a reality based world, and I don't foresee an electric car as being anything other than another fad that the govt is cramming down our throats!!

Rewind to just a few years ago during the e85 based fuel debacle, how did that turn out!! A lot of mandates and rules without a single thought as to how those rules could not possibly be followed! We simply could not grow enough corn to feed people, animals, and fuel tanks, but gee, nobody thought of that now did they?? Remember of course that the govt spends waaay too much $$$ on themselves, and stupid **** like investigating the Russian involvement in our election, to ever put up the billions of dollars to put solar energy into every single place that a charging station would need to be! And of course, because there's no money in it for big business or the govt, they really don't want to!! Oh, I guess they didn't think of that either!!