say you want to buy an electric car?

Ottmundr , Thanks for your response . I'm not talking down to anyone here.
I understand that some here only have 1 vehicle .

I should have been more clear to have directed my question to only those that have more then one vehicle and more then one person driving them.

cosgig , Thanks for you response . The Subaru could be replaced when the time comes to replace it with an all electric vehicle .

Your work truck at this time is perfect for what you do today.
BTW There is an electric pickup under development right now and may be ready in a few years.
An all electric van could easily follow.

As for standardizing the charging, after the GM EV1 induction paddle went away with the car.
There was talk of using a floor mounted induction charging system , so far it's only being used for recharging Electric city busses at the layover stop on their route and gives enough charge in 15 minutes to run the loop again.

In 2001 the s.a.e. came up with a standard with one kind of configuration but in 2010 they came up with a new standard with a different configuration and ability to handle more power and 110v & 220v A/C charging.
Meanwhile Tesla came up with it's exclusive system.
Also there is the D/C fast charging system configuration.

As improvements come along to the onboard charge controllers in the EV they can be charged harder and faster without damage to the battery pack.

At some point we may see drive over induction charging become the standard.

In the meantime there are several different connections .

For daily driving one will charge at home with to 15a 120v charger the manufacture supplies with the vehicle. If one wants to speed up the charge time at home one can install a 240v 30a or 45a charger for $400-800. This would be for someone who makes several long runs from home a day.

BTW the only scheduled maintenance for my Kia Soul EV is tire rotation.
What about brakes ? It has regenerative braking that slows the car down when you let off the accelerator pedal when in 'B' mode the also puts energy back into the battery pack.
I use this mode exclusively . I rarely use the brakes above 15 mph. I love the 1 pedal driving.

Seriously please answer the questions in post #30 only if you have multiple vehicles and drivers . Lets not go off track into the weeds about the pros and cons of EV's.