Red Headed Stepchild-75 Swinger LSX Swap

Well after about 5 hrs in the garage solo tonight i got the slant pulled, and the 904 dropped out. Now I'm popoped. and i know my back and body are gonna feel this extravaganza tomorrow.

I also measured the stroke of my motor because it still wasn't adding up that if get a one in a million Gen IV 5.3 without the AFM/DOD STUFF installed. Turns out it's a 4.8 LS motor from that 08 Silverado. Doesnt really change my plans at all with the swap. The little 4.8 LS motors make gobs of power with a good cam and boost just like the 5.3 would have. SinceI already have the awesome 243 heads im better off than most. Time to test fit the 4.8 and th400 combo tomorrow as long as im not too sore.