say you want to buy an electric car?

Don't have a problem if someone wants to build an electric hotrod or swap an electric motor into a Duster. Not my thing, but don't expect everyone to like the same stuff. I think it's cool figuring stuff out and if building an electric car is yours, more power to you.

My issue is people that seem to think an electric car is the savior of the world. The reality is, electric cars are the governments tactic to force the development of the technology regardless of any other options. Follow the money, there is way to much government involvement to ignore. Remove the subsidies and tax breaks and it stops being even remotely viable.

Just wait until they institute a "fee" for driving an IC car. I'm sure they will paint it as the price you pay to pollute, but the reality is it will be to help pay for the EV's and support structure because they can't survive on their own merits.