Mini Starters on a Slant Six

The only solution that I can see is to cut the header about half an inch past the mounting flange and fishmouth in a wedge shaped piece of pipe on all three pipes. Even this would mean at the collector making an immediate 90 degree turn towards the engine and another 90 downward all to narrowly miss the steering column. I have emailed pictures to this Larry guy to show him what I mean but I haven't heard anything back yet. I see what you guys are saying about Clifford. WOW. Has anyone else had these fitment issues.

What I do (170 manual steering), is, between the bends (on the straight part) cut a "V" notch in the three pipes, and bend the tubes upward untill the collector clears the steering box. Then weld the notched part back together. I don't think you can bend them far enough to clear, if you have power steering.
PS: This same mod is required if you have a 225, and power steering, in a 66 down "A" body.