Cam re-grind

Add one more for Oregon cams, have the stock roller reground in my 360 magnum and it seems to run pretty damn good. And when they grind the base circle (round part on the bottom of the lobe) it increases the lift the valve sees from the same lobe. The lobe will be taller than before because the base circle will be ground down.

It all works in conjunction with taller pushrods too, but if you have adjustable rockers on that slant still you might be able to take up the slack I'm not sure about that. Like for example on my 360 I had to get longer pushrods because when the lifter was on the base circle of the cam the stock pushrods where all sloppy. So I had to order some longer pushrods. It was confusing me too when I first heard about it. The needing of a taller pushrod deal helped me understand.

Another way to explain would be because you have the base circle on cam, which is now shorter than stock, set as a neutral point (no lift going on). When the cam rotates around the lifter has to climb more up the lobe. Because the other side of the cam is shorter. Compared to how it was before when there was still more material on the bottom side of the lobe, which would make the lifter have to climb less up the same lobe.