Cam re-grind

Rani, explaining cams is hard to break down into easy to understand and terms sometimes. Getting "The picture" can be hard to develop.

The lobes are not removalable. When RRR said "Put a lobe on it." He was meaning to regrind the lobe shape differently. You will have less material but it will be better because it is a fresh surface not a wrecked one made worse. Like reboring a cylinder, there's less wall left but what is left is in great shape ready to use.

YR mentions what is done with the lobe and it is ground smaller. But it is the amount of ramp rise off the lobe which will determine the size even if physically smaller, it can be larger in lift and duration as measured at the valve.
Think like a magician, its all smoke and
mirrors that fool the eye but not the dyno. Little things can cause big effects just like big things can have little effect. Like gears in a clock.

Open up Comp Cams or Crane Cams website and look into there tech explanation & terms section. On cam tech. This should help out a bunch.